Cater Health
Cater Health
"CaterHealth Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Industry began with a vision of providing better access to healthcare services and products to the underserved communities in rural areas. Our founders wanted to lower healthcare costs, improve patient outcomes, and offer customised solutions that meet the unique needs of different patient populations. Keeping that in mind we’ve started a retail pharmacy chain in Hyderabad, India with an intention of expanding pan across the country and globe.
Since then, Caterwealth Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Industry has grown to be one of the well knownretail chain in the Hyderabad, offering products, services, and solutions to more than one hundred thousand individuals till date. We are proud of the fact that we've been able to make healthcare more accessible and beneficial to everyone."
Ep3.2: Unit & Master Franchise Opportunity | Cater Health(Pharmaceutical) A Business for you
Opportunity type
Franchise -
₹ 15 - 70 Lakhs -
Available locations
PAN India -
is master franchise available ?